Lead Inspections Toledo, OH
Wells Environmental has signed a contract with the City of Toledo to perform lead inspections throughout the city. The purpose is to identify hazards in order to prevent lead poisoning in children.
Lead paint, if ingested or inhaled, can lead to nerve damage and other health issues. Children can inadvertently ingest paint dust or paint chips by chewing on it or crawling on the floor where dust exists. Apparently, lead paint tastes slightly sweet. The federal government has determined that anything painted prior to 1978 should be tested.
We have found lead paint in a majority of the homes we have inspected to date. Lead paint has a distinctive pattern when it deteriorates, resembling scales on a fish or alligator skin like the porch roof above. If you plan to remodel or tear out anything with paint on it that was installed prior to 1978, you should give us a call. We can provide IMMEDIATE results the same day.
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