Mold Remediation - Swanton, OH
Wells Environmental was contacted to come look at a residential home that had obvious moisture problems. The homeowner told us that they were having water running down the exterior bathroom walls and had noticed water dripping in through the exhaust fan. After an inspection in the attic, the problem was apparent. Condensation. The exhaust fan was routed to the outside with solid PVC and the insulation had come off of the pipe. Visible growth was apparent on the entire underside of the roof due to poor overall air circulation through the attic. The bathroom wall and ceiling had obvious signs of water intrusion; peeling paint, high moisture readings and rust showing through the paint. There was also water trapped in the PVC pipe serving as the exhaust fan ducting.
We addressed all of these issues simultaneously. Insulated exhaust ducting was run for BOTH exhaust fans in the home, the attic was treated and fogged to kill all growth throughout the attic, the drywall was removed, the inner walls were treated, the drywall was replaced and finished. Additionally, we installed insulation baffles to improve overall air circulation and re-insulated the attic to replace what was lost during the remediation. When we were done, the homeowner was left with a much healthier and better functioning home and you could not tell we were even there after the drywall was finished!